Please note that by using this site you agree to the below Terms of Use.


The content provided by and uploaded by Global AVX is meant to be informative and interesting but by its very nature is general and no reliance should be placed on same. This is a dynamic site with information supplied by customers, suppliers, contributors and colleagues and as such Global AVX cannot make any representation or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or validity of the information provided by such parties yet we endeavour to ensure accuracy is provided and that users are not mislead. As such Global AVX cannot be held liable for any loss arising from reliance on anything set out in this site, including errors or omissions. Furthermore, any transactions undertaken on or through Global AVX shall be at the sole risk of seller and purchaser, we advise users (buyers and sellers) to conduct their own due diligence and were possible use verified advisors and escrow account providers.

Global AVX may have links to sites maintained by third parties over whom it has no control. As such, we can make no representation as to the accuracy of content contained on these sites. Likewise we have no control over the privacy policy of these websites. Furthermore, we cannot make any representation or guarantee as to the accuracy or validity of listings and their content, however where possible we will attempt to verify such.

All services provided by Global AVX are done so on a best-effort basis and we can offer no guarantees of performance stated or implied including guarantees that access to Global AVX will not be interrupted or that there will be no failures or omissions in transmitted information.

Refunds & Cancellation

For a full refund, cancellation must be made within 24hours of the aircraft listing being loaded on the site. Please contact to request a refund/cancellation.


Global Aviation Exchange Limited is the registered holder of all rights to and it’s copyrights. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.

Terms & Conditions

We reserve the right to edit or remove (without prior notice) incorrect information or aircraft in the event of a dispute between sellers. We also reserve the right to remove aircraft that are not clearly identified, this is to avoid duplication of aircraft or misleading of users.  Any queries, please contact us via our contact page.

Dealer Administration Access

We reserve the right to remove dealer access rights to Global AVX. Aircraft allowance limits can be changed without notice and are set relative to the advertisers' current advertising commitment. If you believe someone is abusing or misrepresenting on our system, please notify us immediately. If we believe anyone is abusing our system or uploading misleading/false information, or Global AVX in general, we reserve the right to remove access rights and all such information.

For further information or queries on our Terms of Use, Data Policy, Privacy Policy and Marketing Policy please get in contact with our office through our contact page.